Saturday, 16 August 2014

A Nerd Went Thrifting /Life Logos

Aloha Lovvies.
I hope your all well and fine.
thrift store books
Book Thrifting. Photo cred to 'God and Coffee'
A afternoons ago one of my very good friends invited me to go shopping with her and her cousin and that inspired this Blog post. Why it inspired me was because this friend of mine shares One thing with me. And let me just put that thing out there, AS a girl this may be a Shock Horror to some but I HATE shopping. Sorry. Let me repeat. I detest Shopping. I hate it hate it hate it. Oh Gosh the whole process, just the whole looking at the racks of clothes and just ‘cruising’ in the shops, I, I just CAN’T deal with it! I think it’s just mostly about how ‘over conscious’ I am about stupid things. It’s totally normal for people to just walk into shops, look at the clothes on the racks and maybe hold up a top against them to see how it looks. That just does Not register with me. For some unknown reason i feel so uncomfortable doing all of the above. I might find something that I like and if I go close to it to look at it I’d just quickly pick it up and then put it straight down again. SO to conclude this confession of a paragraph, just cannot shop.
But let’s move swiftly onto the main point of this post and that is my love for shopping of one thing, and only one thing and that is BOOKS. Yep, hands down I’m a huge NERD. But shopping for books is just so much better than shopping for clothes, No one’s going to think you’re a freak for squatting down to look at the books or if you’re picking up every other book to read the blurb. And you can never feel bad after getting too much books. But even though I love books so much I can’t help but sometimes think that a popular hardback book can be so overpriced. £18.99 is waay too much.
So who said thrift shops are just for clothes. There shopping centre which we a were planning on going has quite a big thrift shop which was mostly full of books and clutter but when I returned there the other day they had renovated and they had much more clothes and unfortunately much less books. That literally used to be the shop I used to beg my Mom to take me to ever time we went shopping together and I always come out with a bag full as the pricing is ridiculously cheap.
So I thought to do a review on each of these books because honestly a paragraph would not suffice! I will honestly treasure these books forever. Most of the books that I brought I had never heard or read of any of the authors, but even so they were ALL such amazing reads. Like one of the book I read was called Waiting and the style of writing gripped me straightaway even though it was published just a year after I was born. There were so many morals and emotions in that book. It honestly left me feeling upset to leave the fierce character of Manna Wu which I saw crumble through, as well as the perfect buttoned up feelings of General Lin unravel. And it honestly melted my heart seeing Shuya's happiness radiate through her as her unloving husband of many years finally falls in love with her. Tune into my next blog to read more about this novel and to find out the Author of this Novel too.
                                                                Till Next Time - M

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